Brunswick County, NC
OIB gazebo behind the chapel location
OIB foot of bridge turn out by Lillah location
Osprey platforms in Sea Trail location
Carl Bazemore Bird Walk location
Rivers Edge Public Nature Trail location
Within 1.5 hour drive of Brunswick COunty, NC
Huntington Beach State Park (HBSP), SC website, location. Facebook page where HBSP photographers post their daily captures.
Mobile Apps & Websites
Identify from your photo: Merlin Bird ID, Seek
See where people have seen specific species: iNaturalist, eBird
Planning sunrise, sunset, night shots with the Milky Way: The Photographers Ephemeris, PhotoPills. Get the Skyfire add-on in The Photographerrs Ephemeris to see exactly where the clouds will be. To see % chance of colorful sunrise and sunset use MySunset.
Identifying objects in the night sky: Star Walk 2
Tide tables: TideGraphPro,
Swallowtail Butterfly Identification and Comparison website
Common Butterflies of NC pdf
Jeffrey Pippen's Carolina Butterfly website
Identify plants from photos website
NC Wildlife Federation Native Pollinator Plants website
Field Guides Links

OIB Area Tips
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